So I don't know if we thought the Cash phase would wind down by now, but it's still going strong. No new pics to produce but the music is still a-rockin! Davey has now learned the names of the songs and will now request them by title. He will often ask June (Mommy) to sing with Johnny(himself) and we'll strike up a duet in the car. The guitar goes everywhere he goes. From the backseat a little voice says, "Mommy, can I take my gui-tar in?" It goes in the car, the guitar goes to the Nanny, to the bathroom, and I have to fight him to not take it into the grocery store! I can only imagine the onlookers when they see this little boy with this guitar in his lap and a curled up lip! HA HA But it seems that his best performance is given when Walk the Line is on in the background and he can mimic the scene. I can see acting and singing in his future. I heard him tell a little girl at Nuts N Berries that she needed to come to his house and watch him play with his gui-tar! We'll have to work on that approach!