Monday, October 20, 2008

Pirate in the Patch

The fall weather is now upon us. Hello to long sleeves and pants. Saturday was not only a beautiful day in Atlanta, but Davey's opportunity to have a fun time at the pumpkin patch. This year it seemed so easy.
We got there.
Picked out a pumpkin.
Took a few pictures.
Man, do I love the age of "5"!
I watched as all these other Moms were attempting to catch their toodler in the "perfect" picture (well, maybe even catch them). It made me giggle because I did it too!
Here's to all the pumpkin patch moms. May your camera be swift and toddler be cooperative!

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Davey does the wave!

It's not surfing... It's not your official presidential wave, but the Tennessee Wave. Lou & Poppy took Davey to his 4th UT game and even though the game was not a stellar performance from the football team... This 5 year old had plenty of fun checking out the talent (or lack thereof) and spending some quality time learning a few Tennessee traditions.
I asked him what his favorite part wsa, and he told me he loved when we threw our hands up in the air, aka the wave. He also loved the use of Poppy's binoculars. GO VOLS!

It has happened...

My sweet boy has turned 5!!

It happened in 2 states and with 2 cakes. It happened with friends and family watching. It happened with 2 SpeedRacer themes and 2 sets of kids. And finally, it happened with the blowing out of 2 candles and 2 sets of presents.
I am amazed on a daily, no make that hourly basis, that my little infant born on Sept. 28th, 2003 has grown into a smart, sweet pre-K (er). The ideas that come out of his head and are expressed are amazing. I know I have often said each age is my favorite, but I mean it this time. He is a joy of a child and I know I have been blessed for 5 years with more to come.