Sunday, May 06, 2007

The Camping Adventure

Davey officially made his debut as the camping toddler! Along with our friends Cadence and his Mom, Amanda- we ventured to Ft. Yargo State Park near Lawrencville, Georgia. We did everything required of a camper... set up the tent, roasted turkey dogs on the campfire, took a hike to the lake, slept in a tent, and of course Davey will tell you his favorite part was the marshmallows. Davey did manage to fall onto an ant hill, but fortunately came away with only 2 bites! The adventure was fun and now that we are "seasoned veterans" we will now make a yearly trip of it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a cutie...I miss Davey and his mama...let's hang out soon. I'll go roller skating with you guys!!! :)