Christmas morning (after Santa) is always full of activity and fun for a 4-year old. I don't think Davey moved from that train set for a whole hour. This isn't even all of his train track - just a portion of it with his NEW Thomas car wash!! He had a ton of other gifts under the tree however this was the winner! We had a wonderful time visiting Davey's Great-Grandmother and the rest of our Florida Family- and Davey is starting to really get into the whole season- with the singing of Christmas carols, talking about Santa, and oh yeah "the better be good for goodness sake" part.

On Christmas Eve we headed out to see the Christmas lights and of course listened for sleigh bells. We left Santa some cookies and Davey told me not to forget about the reindeer. "They are vegetarians, Mommy!" Gotta love that healthy upbringing! Merry Christmas!!
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