Well, we have played our last game of soccer for the season and the #33 will be retired till next year. Davey kicked the ball 6 times. His coaches were so excited, they were jumping up and down. Keep in mind, Davey has not been "hands on," or
But the season ended with a fun party and trophy presentation. Davey did get best improved from his coach and the parents.
Memorial Day here was a hot and sunny day. I had found a good size family pool on clearance at the end of last summer. Thinking Davey & I would have a relaxing time this summer being able to be completely submerged on hot days and not having to call on friends just for their pool usage.
Well, I figured out too soon just why that particular pool was on sale! It was missing the plugs to hold in the air. I mean who sells a pool like that, even at that cheap of a price? What does a mom do when her now excited child has already figured out he'll spend the afternoon in water having fun? DUCT TAPE! Yes, ladies and gentleman, duct tape will hold air in an outdoor pool for about 20-30 minutes at a time. After that, you have a constant leak. Especially when the pool has that much water in it. So let us just say I ran thru some serious D batteries in our air pump to keep the pool afloat! I made it to a pool supply store this weekend and acquired the proper gadget to keep the air in, but the craftiness of the Mom that weekend proved a fun holiday for us both. Sure the ribs and evening sparklers were fun, but this day belonged to the family blow-up pool.
Here's to you, Mr. Duct tape maker!