Friday, November 24, 2006

Thanksgiving Train?

Like many other shoppers, we ventured out to hit some before holiday sales. Davey went along with the understanding that there would be some sort of fun involved. Just to dispel rumors- my child can spot a train 100 miles away. We visited a different mall and low and behold; Davey found the train circling the Santa picture area within 10 minutes of being there. I think he heard the click clack of the tracks from the parking lot! After a couple of times around the track with a few other kids, he was happy he came shopping with us.

Our thanksgiving was a festive and fun time with family and friends. Davey's Nanny and Godmother came over and had lunch with Lou & Poppy, Davey & myself. He wasn't too interested in eating at that moment... but he enjoyed the company and took the opportunity to perform a few of his Johnny Cash Favorites- complete with sunglasses and microphone! Happy Thanksgiving my long-legged, guitar-pickin' baby!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The Train Party

How cool is it that it's not just my child that is a Thomas Train fanatic! There is a cool kid's salon in Decatur (suburb of Atlanta) that once a month has a Train Party. They have 2 train tables set up in the back of the cute toy shop that also doubles as a hair salon catering to kids. Our friends Amanda and Cade let us know about the party, and Monday afternoon we went for a relaxing time of train-a-rama! They had snacks, tatoos, paint-your-own-train, and of course every train in the catalog. Davey was mesmorized by the car wash and the bridges in the set, but to be able to play with other kids who liked them as much as he does- WOW!

Leaving was sad, but we came away with many ideas for his track at home. And, well the idea of going to get ice cream made it less dramatic. Till next time.... choo choo.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Weekend Fun

This weekend Davey's Godmother and Nanny took us to the botanical gardens where we viewed the Orchid Gardens (Lola's favorite) and an awesome exhibit, Nikki in the Garden. Davey was excited to have so much attention and enjoyed looking at the plants and scampering thru the rainforests. Atlanta has so much to offer, and I love giving Davey cultural activities to do.

On the other side of fun, We also went to Bouncin Bob's. An indoor playhouse with inflatable bouncy play activities. Davey has a ball there and wears his little legs out running thru the courses and sliding. It's always a great to do before nap time. Having the weekend free to spend with the sweetest 3 year old is my favorite off time.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

"Ayeeee Pirate"

As your child gets older- Halloween becomes more fun for the parents. All the excitement of choosing a costume and watching the child play the roll takes you back to your youth!
This year we stretched our sea legs and sailed the high streets as a pirate! By the 2nd house Davey knew the routine- look cute, say trick-or-treat, get the booty. He actually caught on so fast that when a house only let you choose 1 piece of candy- Davey stood a moment as if questioning, "where's my other piece?". As we left each house we checked out the elaborate decorations and Davey would "ohh and awe" and comment on "how scary!".
My favorite comment he made was, "is that ske-le-ton wrelly weal?"
Each year gets better and we get more creative. I got the memories out of the deal, Davey got the candy.