Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Countdown Begins...

Davey wanted me to start the official countdown to the big day. As we were counting the days till his birthday, he kinda figured it out that in five days he will turn "5"! And he obviously felt it was important to blog.
The exact conversation was like this...
" Mommy, I tink you should put it on the computer thingy."
"What would you like me to write, Davey?"
"Werlll, you know, me turning pive. You know, my birtday is in pive days. You need to write pive mommy... f-i-f-e!"
"Davey, are you sure that's how you spell five?"
" Of course Mommy, you tink a boy that turns pive knows how to spell pive!"
"Well maybe you could say something about how you feel about turning five?"
"Mommy, I told you already. I turn pive in pive days. I am not pive yet."
"Yes, Davey but..."
"Mommy just write what I said about pive, please"

So Davey will be "pive" in "pive" days.

OH, he told me I spelled it wrong!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Alone Time

Our friends Kim & Cole moved in with us two weeks ago to help in the sharing of finances during this negative economic period.
It is crazy having two 5-year olds in the house. It is true that Davey & I stay so busy that we only see them in the evenings and on weekends, but it is different in the amount of toys that 1 child has verses 2!
Davey & I escaped to the park one day to spend some one-on-one time and relax on not-to-hot day. The park is near a small air field http://www.pdkairport.org/whats_new.asp and the kids get to watch the planes take off and land. When Davey was younger it was exciting, now the ear damaging noise and toxic jet fumes make it a "once in a while" park to visit.
Davey & I are excited to have our friends so close, and Kim & I have a new respect for live-in babysitters!!
More adventures to come!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

We love our Florida Family

Davey's Great Grandma turned 90 this past weekend and the whole family gathered together in Ocala, Florida to give her a great party. The only problem is... what do you give a person that has everything, and asks for nothing?

So her 4 children and grandchildren spent time re-landscaping her yard. Davey threw himself into helping out anywhere he could. He said his favorite part was playing with the hose. Well, what 4 year old doesn't enjoy playing in the water?? But we had a fun and productive morning and by afternoon- we were ready for the party.
I have watched Davey thrive around our family in Florida with every visit we make. And even though he is the only young child, he does enjoy hammin' it up for all to see. I love that he is seeing 3 generations of Belks and learning family ways, jokes, and memories!